Foto Dan Biodata Fitting a spare tire that is the wrong size di sini anda akan dapatkan dengan sangat lengkap sekali, di mulai dari biodata dan di sertai dengan sebuah foto, tidak ketinggalan akun artis atau selebritis tersebut seperti facebook,twitter dan juga instagram akan anda dapat dengan cuma-cuma, dengan adanya website seputar foto profil dan biodata lengkap para artis ini, bertujuan agar anda para penggemar atau fans artis yang bersangkutan dapat mengetahui dengan sangat lengkap nyata dan jelas mengenai mereka.
Biodata artis,selebritis atau tokoh penting yang ada di dalam blog ini, adalah sebuah biodata yang sangat benar adanya, di dapat dari berbagai macam sumber informasi terpercaya di dunia, dengan itu anda tidak perlu ragu lagi dengan kebenaran informasi yang telah di sediakan, namun blog atau website ini tidak menyediakan sebuah file seperti video,mp3 yang bersangkutan dengan idola anda, akan tetapi blog ini hanya menyediakan sebuah biodata profil biografi artis atau tokoh penting dengan sangat lengkap di lengkapi dengan foto.
Banyak yang bisa anda ketahui di website ini, selain nama lengkap dan tempat tanggal lahir artis bersangkutan, tentunya anda akan bisa mengetahui hoby,agama artis atau tokoh yang anda cari di sini, lebih menariknya lagi anda akan bisa mengetahui fakta unik dari mereka dan pacar,suami atau istri dari mereka yang mungkin belum terpublikasikan, untuk lebih jelasnya lagi dengan yang apa anda cari di sini, silahkan anda lihat sebuah foto dan biodata Fitting a spare tire that is the wrong size di bawah ini.

I knew the sequence that I needed to follow to change my flat tire (in Danish we call those Fladt dæk på din bil). I put on my high visibility jacket, I removed the jack and the wheel brace from the boot. I placed the jack on its locating point. Before I jacked the car up, I have to loosen the wheel nuts. Once they were loose, I can slowly jack up the car. I have to jack it up further than the flat tire just being of the floor, due to the new tire being a larger circumference. I removed the wheel and took it to the rear. I lent it up against the barrier whilst I retrieved the spare wheel.
It was getting a little dark so I put on my head torch. I could not help notice the spare wheel looked a lot smaller in comparison to the wheel I had just removed. I checked the numbers and letters on the side wall, 155/55/R13, I then checked the flat tire and it was 165/70/R14, something was wrong.
Just then, a police traffic car pulled up and put on its bright flashing lights. I explained to them the difficulty I was having and that the wrong size tire had found its way in to my boot. He went on to explain it was illegal to have different size tires on the same axel. He said, given the circumstances he would allow me to fit the wrong size tire and that he would shadow me to the next service station, this was only two or three miles away. I would then be able to get the tire changed in the safety of the service area. Had it not been for the cop , I would have called my roadside assistance company (we Danish folks call those Få billig bilhjælp)He replaced the wheel and we were soon on our way. It was strange having a police escort, but quite exciting at the same time.
I had to call the local garage who had worked on the car last. I asked them what had happened to my spare tire. They admitted the wrong tire had been put in the boot, and that my tire was in fact in the garage waiting for me. I informed them about the situation and the police involvement, they agreed to come out and fit my tire.
Just a simple mistake could have caused me to get three penalty points on my license. It was lucky I noticed the difference in the tire sizes. readmore
Sekian saja saya beberkan sebuah Biodata Fitting a spare tire that is the wrong size, semoga dengan adanya informasi atau berita yang telah saya sajikan untuk anda bermanfaat dan anda pun puas dengan berita atau info yang telah tersedia, jangan lupa baca juga info biodata,profil biografi artis atau tokoh penting lainnya untuk menambah wawasan anda dalam berita terima kasih.