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The ECG readings appear in the form of a graph called the PORST graph or waves. One entire unit comprises of the P wave, the QRS complex and the ST wave, which successively follow each other. The first wave indicates the contraction of the auricles (anterior part of the heart), the second section represents contraction of the ventricles (the lower part of the cardiac chamber), while the ST wave indicate the relaxation or expansion of the ventricles as they fill with blood form the auricles.
The different waves, connected to each other, indicate the contraction and expansion of the auricles and ventricles while regulating the blood flow in the heart. The information is collected by placing electrodes at different points in the body like the arms and legs. About 10 to 12 such points are connected to the Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) device.
The ECG readings can be interpreted in three ways:
1. Normal readings
2. Abnormal readings
3. Death condition
A normal heart will produce a systematic graph with regular time intervals. The heart rate will be about 60 - 90 beats per minute. The time difference between the PR wave and the QRS complex will be 0.12 to 0.20 seconds. The QT interval will not last more than 0.40 seconds while the QRS complex will last for time duration of 0.06 to 0.10 seconds.
Abnormal readings will show irregular wave intervals. Sometimes they may show irregularities in no specific patterns. The cardiologist will then have to read the reports to understand the condition of the individual being examined.
When the QT interval is abnormally long, it indicates the risk of death. In such a case, it will be longer than ½ of the R-R wave. Finally, if the QT wave is long a stretched and prolong, it may indicate that the individuals heart is no longer beating, resulting in death.
However, death does not occur due to the ECG procedure. It may happen for various reasons like heart attack or accident that the person had suffered before the examination.
It is important to be aware about the heart, medical news and advancements in order to live a healthy, aware and safe life.
Sekian saja saya beberkan sebuah Biodata The Normal and Abnormal ECG Readings, semoga dengan adanya informasi atau berita yang telah saya sajikan untuk anda bermanfaat dan anda pun puas dengan berita atau info yang telah tersedia, jangan lupa baca juga info biodata,profil biografi artis atau tokoh penting lainnya untuk menambah wawasan anda dalam berita terima kasih.