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Natural Way to Get Rid of Parasites

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Parasites do not belong to bacteria or virus. They are live and quite bigger than bacteria or virus. However, parasites and worms can bring you a big health problem. Such parasites occur generally during the summer months and can affect various human organs such as stomach, colons, liver, kidney, bloods and in some bad case, even the brain. Parasites rest inside those organs and feed themselves with the food you eat or the blood you have. They initially may not produce any symptoms but later on, they can suck up your energy levels and can make organs weaker and luckily, there is a natural way to get rid of parasites in every folk medical science.

Parasites - threats to internal organs

Human parasite and worm is nowadays, upcoming health ailment in all societies. Parasites' infestation could be primarily due to many diseases, illness and infections. Intestinal parasites can be cleansed off in very effective manner with the help of some natural therapies. Parasites, especially intestinal parasites are generally caused by two main types namely; protozoa or helminths.

Common symptoms of parasite infestation include diarrhea, flatulance or bloating, vomiting or nausea, abdominal pain, disturbed digestion and fatigue or weakness. In children, significant weight loss without any other symptoms indicates worms or parasites' infestation. They also produce typical symptoms such as itching around anus, redness around anus, polyphagia (over eating, excess hunger) etc.

Natural way to get rid of parasites

Colon cleansing is the most effective treatment for intestinal cleansing that can get all the parasites out of the body. Generally such cleansing includes the use of a high fiber or roughage diet and supplements like Psyllium husks, citrus pectin, garlic, pumpkin (preferably seeds), ripe papaya's extract, activated charcoal, roots of the beets and/or linseeds. However, there is no clinical data or laboratory researches favoring these all as anti-parasite treatment but they are very effective since they are still prescribed in alternative medicines.

Garlic and ginger have been found very effective in Ascaris (roundworm), Giardia lamblia, Plasmodium, and Leishmania infestations. One can go for any formula containing garlic or can eat raw garlic pods. Another colon cleansing herb includes goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis). The herb has been prescribed historically for worms' infestations and also to cure infections of the mucous membranes present in various human tracts such as respiratory, gastrointestinal etc. Black walnut is another safe and effective remedy for cleansing the colon and to treat parasites. Black walnut's unripe hulls' juice is used to treat various parasites. As said before, pumpkin seeds (Curcubita pepo) are considered to be very beneficial in treating tapeworms and roundworms.

Some of the folk medicinal science such as Ayurveda believes that Neem is the best herb for treating worms or parasites in any herbal science. Simple decoction of the Neem leaves taken early in the morning for about 15-30 days can kill all the parasites present in the intestines. This is because Neem contains some volatile substances that are good for human intestines but poisonous to the parasites.

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